RESILIENCE: The Beauty of Presence

RESILIENCE: The Beauty of Presence


The Resilience framework drives your courage, not your vanity.You cannot outsource this infrastructure or buy this experience with “plug and play” parts for success. You only have to pay attention to what drives you every day. Whether in corporate sales, military combat, hospital surgery, personal relationships, or business negotiations, you will find Resilience as very difficult to maintain—until you commit quality to the process.

Resilience demonstrates this philosophy in action: on how to 'learn to fall' (because you will);
and on how to 'fall to learn' (because you will do that, too).

So…What Drives You?RESILIENCE, The Beauty of Presence answers that question every day.

INTRODUCTION:Years before I developed this idea about “resilience," I had perfected an attitude of defiance. To succeed in leadership, I relied on ego and fear (my own vanity). Then, a few things happened that busted up my closed circles of logic and limited understanding. The first one happened at West Point—with that magical diploma in sight, I felt it slipping out of my hands. The second one occurred just before the bullets started flying in Panama. The third one left me speechless and unconscious after a Hapkido class in Alexandria, VA. I will go into the details later, but each event qualified as a “do or die” experience. As you read them and in the context of Resilience, consider these experiences as “accidents of war” that drove creativity, humility, and confidence.

These connected examples represented challenge, combat, and competition for me. These experiences pushed me to stop wasting time in pursuing things “out there” and to reduce conflicts with my own vanity. Through this process, I learned a simple lesson—that you can confirm your value without making things up as imagined ‘tests.’ Resilience shows you how to access a power and force of awareness that you can never lose.So the message of Resilience crystallized for me through these events. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone; if you can avoid them, please do.

Resilience helps you to become more aware and appreciative of what you HAVE, and then for what you want. I highly recommend that process to you—leading with power and force through the beauty of your presence. Leading yourself with original agreements makes things go a lot smoother. Before you look for any of the things that you want to receive from the outside, embrace what you already have inside.I have practiced this philosophy for over 10 years; the revision of the book represents another milestone in that journey.

The 20 years prior to that served as the ‘training wheels.’ Now I have developed it into a fully-equipped vehicle with a serviceable engine. If I subtract those 30 years, that puts me somewhere near the age of the youth today (or maybe just of the “youth-at-heart!”). So the good news—you can get this message early and you can avoid 10, 20, or 30 years to learn this. Now I say “learn" but that doesn't mean that I can teach you anything; today we have the luxury of big data, knowledge, and gadgets at our disposal.

I can only show you an example of an applied philosophy. But if I must use the term “learn,” Resilience shows you how to ‘learn to fall’ (because you will) and how to ‘fall to learn’ (because you will do that, too).This thing I talk about—Resilience through beauty and presence. No matter how it sounds to you, consider redefining your habits through a balanced view on personal courage and vanity.

Through a deeper understanding of your own motivation (of what drives you), you clarify your needs from a new perspective. Resilience leverages the beauty from the only ‘place’ you can ever fully enjoy—from your presence.

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